Gina Gerson is a Russian porn diva and model. In the porn industry came at a young age, still very active and sometimes manifests itself in unusual strawberry. Taboo topics it is not (Orgy, Masturbation, Blowjob, anal sex, sadomasochism, and more). Watch a variety of porn movies with Gerson on our website. Real name is Valentina Lasciava agree that her nickname (Gina Gerson) porn industry is far more suited. Born in the Russian city of Prokopievsk, currently residing in Hungary. At the age of eighteen he entered the "Tomsk state University" specialty teacher of English and French languages. But to get a higher education, Valentina was not meant to be. At the time of study in the third year she's already appeared in the strawberry, it came to administration and Liskeevy offered to pick up the documents on their own. Belle did not resist this decision and left the University. Now Gerson is nothing in Russia was not deterred, and she went to conquer Europe. In Budapest Gina went not at random, there she was invited well-known Hungarian porn actress Cameron Cruz, who agreed to act as her agent. And Russian beautiful girl very quickly made a name for himself in Europe. Valentina is just 23, but for our porn industry she is a famous person. Not any actress strawberry shortcake decides to go to the conquest of Europe, as the competition is much more. Although, with its outstanding appearance (81-56-89) and a great desire to act in any scenes, be afraid of competition would be foolish. Girl of Slavic appearance are in high demand, that Gerson only confirmed. Porn with her participation very much, Gina is actively removed, and only increases its popularity. Significant achievements it has reached, but something tells me that Gerson is still to come. His decisions and actions she shows what she wants from life and this inspires respect. Teacher of foreign languages Gerson did not, but that didn't stop her own to learn Hungarian, Czech, Italian, French and English.
- Born: 17.05.1991
- Birthplace: Russian Federation, Prokopyevsk
- Videos: 200
- Height: 162
- Weight: 49